Summit of Gold Star Peak

I have a few friends that are former or currently serving U.S. Army Chaplains. Throughout my career, the Chaplains I served with always had a way with being at the right place and time regardless of the situation we were in. They always came with a big smile on their face and always had the right thing to say.

I’ve asked plenty of them over the years for help. Chaplain, will you please do me a favor and check on this young Soldier (or even leader) for me, I am worried about him, was probably my most frequently used ask. Without hesitation, they would respond…you got it with a big smile on their face. They would always report back telling me that they made contact and developed a plan of action with the Soldier.

Chaplains Brisson, Thogmartin, Tripp, or Walker never once let me or the men I served with down, they always brightened our day offering words of wisdom and encouragement during the best as well as our toughest days.

I was recently asked by an active duty Army Chaplain if I could help him out, I had a take a step back for a second and think about that. When has a Chaplain ever asked me for anything? I couldn’t think of a time as they never asked for anything, I told him absolutely.

So, we guided not one, but three Army Chaplains on a great day trip to the summit of Gold Star Peak as part of a RECON for a much bigger project our team is working on with them.

So, thank you, to the Chaplain Corps and to these three fine Chaplains for all the work they do especially upholding your creed to always care for the living, the wounded, and to always honor the fallen.